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July 30, 2014

Practical Suggestions for Writing a Pintool

This is my list of practical suggestions to people developing a pintool. Since I dealt with these previously I thought to jot them down to help others. By applying this you should be somewhat closer to avoid your pintool from unexpected termination.

Start from scratch. So you use a sample pintool to develop your own. Rather than to modify the sample, start with an empty project and gradually build it up by taking elements from the sample.

Simplicity. Keep the code-base small and easy to understand.

Testing. As a part of development, aim to test if all blocks have been exercised. Refrain from adding unreachable blocks.

Errors. Check for errors as early as possible, specially when returning from a Pin API.

Safe memory dereference. Whenever you have to dereference the target's memory use PIN_SafeCopy. If you want to read an integer you should use this function, too, rather than the dereference "*" operator.

Thread safety. Be aware the target may be running with multiple threads. Possibly, you want your pintool to be thread safe.

Multi-threading. Sometimes you want your variables to be stored in the thread context to have the ability to distinguish the analysis between threads. In that case looking at the sample inscount_tls.cpp is a good start.

Probe mode. Use of probe mode is always preferred as it gives better performance. However, only limited Pin facilities available in probe mode.

Limit instrumentation. Consider restricting the instrumentation to routines or libraries and even can avoid the instrumentation of shared libraries to get better performance.

Standard library. It's good idea to use C++ standard library in a pintool as it provides the most frequently needed data structures.

Visual Studio. Visual C++ project file is available with Pin framework in MyPinTool folder. Alternatively, you can create one for yourself after looking at an earlier post.

Trace vs Ins. Instruction instrumentation is practically the same as trace instrumentation. You can do instruction analysis from the trace by iterating through the instructions.

Output. Having output routines in Fini makes the application to run faster than having them in analysis functions. However if the application terminates unexpectedly and so Fini is not called there will be no results shown. By having output routines in analysis functions makes the application to run slower but if the application terminates unexpectedly partial results may be shown.
  This blog is written and maintained by Attila Suszter. Read in Feed Reader.